Hey there!
Thank you for reading my blog!
It has been a long time ago since I blog. I don’t know what
gotten to me. I lost my appetite for writing because of a lot of things I need
to consider first. And I cannot really write if I have so many things in mind. Maybe it is the reason why. I failed in my
time management. But things has changed now, I want to update now blog. This is
very personal to me, my outlet so that my voice is heard. I can’t let go what
makes me super fulfilled. Hmm, there are two things also that made me super
inspired too! Two blessings that I never expected I will get.
First is passing the Civil Service Exam. It was an
unexpected blessing, last Oct. 6, 2013, I took the exam. I was not expecting to
pass. The exam is difficult (in my own opinion). There are numbers that I was not sure of my
answers. I just give it to God. And I was thankful I did. He guides me throughout
the exam. I finish the exam exactly with the allotted time. When I was finished,
I feel so tired, hungry and floating. I don’t know the verdict. My mind is full
of what ifs and all what ifs are answered when the result came out. I pass the
exam and it feels so good.
The second blessing I’ve got is winning the Nuffnang
Bloggers Contest. It is for the article I’ve made regarding Hardy’s Wine. It made
my heart sink. Knowing my fruit of labor is being recognized by other people
feels so good. I become so speechless when I read Nuffnang’s email.
Life is full of unexpected blessings. These are the
blessings that define us. Give us hope and lead us to what we really want. Let’s
continue to expect for unexpected blessings.
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