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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

See You South Korea

Hey there!

Thank you for reading my blog!

I am still sluggish to start the year. I have a lot of plans. But seriously, I was not thinking if would make it. I just plan but not sure if I will be making it happen. Then it struck me, this is the year that I want to rise from the ashes and surprise myself. This is the year I promised I would grow as an individual and I will be zealous of everything I want. Yes, life is not always good. Someone will throw humps. But I learned a very beautiful lesson from the book I read “life will throw bricks on you, all you have to do is faced it”. 

To face it means to be more positive and be passionate more in life, and yes, this is my motivation. I have come to combine my positive disposition and passion to drive me to achieve what I’ve been dreaming day in and day out. I am day dreaming and even I am sleeping this place has been hounding me. I want to visit it soon. If soon means this year, I should take all my assets on auction or to do something to make it more achievable. I have a lot in mind. I will burn all my fats because my mind is over thinking of ways. I am starting to make use of what I am capable of doing. I am starting to see the panoramic view of the scenario. I am using my passion in writing in helping me save up for this very idealistic and ambitious dream vacation (I’ll tell you how when it becomes a success). Plus of course, my current job and the little “baby” I have. 

The road is still so dark right now. But my mind is set to this goal. South Korea by the end of the year just like Davao City by the end of 2013, I know South Korea and Davao are too different and the analogy does not fit perfectly. But the motivation I use in making it to Davao is the same motivation I will be using but likely ten times in order to make me more driven to take a step in this paradise. I will pull this off. All I have to do is trust. Of course to God that He will help me pull this off-and myself that I will be able to endure the months of being spendthrift in order to save.
This is not how I imagine this blog post will fall. But my mind has another plan. It has been telling my fingers to type whatever it wants. And boom, this is it. March 24, 2014 is the start of the journey I will tackle. The journey to Seoul, South Korea starts now. Please do help me pray for this. 

PS. You can follow me on Twitter @MayeeXin, Instagram @mayee_xin and Wattpad MayeeXin.

Feel free to comment!


1 comment:

  1. Relate ako sis Claire... likas na talaga sa tao ang magprocrastinate hehehe ^_^ pero go for your goals sis!!! You can do it :)
