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Friday, March 8, 2013

I'll Tell You My Stories

Ever since I was young, I have this very wild imaginations when it comes to different movies and teleseryes I have watched. I made stories in my head, written it on my notebooks and let my friends read it. There comments are all the same "I am so keen to write"

I really have passion for writing, I've discovered it when I was elementary, when I joined a writing contest and luckily won. It is a milestone for me at young age, because it gives me a panoramic view of what I want to do in my life. It is simply to express myself through writing and looking forward. This is the reason why I have this blog. I don't need other people's opinion to drown my inner being. The birth of my blog is the renaissance of my passion-the burning fire to tell my stories not only to the people who are curious and want to read my stories.

If you also have stories to tell, do not hesitate to email or comment here. You have a voice, do not shatter it. Voice it out, some may not be interested on it, but what matters most is you share your thoughts. You have expressed that side of you that wants to be heard. So what, if others, may criticize or like you. At the very least, they can't take away anything from you.

This blog is the haven of my stories and thoughts. And in the posts to come, you'll read how my stories will unfold. Watch out for it.


Dare to Share your Thoughts!

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